Friday, March 4, 2011

Meeting Dorothy

So today I ventured down (and got lost on my way) to meet with Dorothy Engelman.

Let me start by saying how great it was. I've never imagined to be in that office and see what I did. It's like looking into a different place. The walls are coloured, it's an open concept office, there's technology and people wearing whatever they want to. The office was relaxed and bright and I thought to myself, wow, if I could work in a place like this! More offices should adapt this.

I has a chance to sit down with her and have a chat. She is SO nice. The way she carried herself was so confident and sure and positive. Even though she was super busy and I was probably in the way of everything in the office, she was still kind and made time to ensure that I was okay. A great leader? That'd be an understatement. She's also has great social skills and is just a great business person (even though she hasn't taken any business courses).

She also inspired me to be a better person. Watching her work, I saw that determination and focus. She knows how to keep on track with work while keeping a positive attitude. Talking to her made me want to be a better person and carry myself in the way she did. She also inspired me to continue with the arts and really motivated me to follow these goals that I have.

It's hard to describe it but on my way home, I felt changed. She didn't have to invite me to go meet her. And she didn't have to take time out of her busy schedule. And she didn't have to be nice to be. But she was. And that's what I admire about her. That's what I want to do from hereon in. I don't have to, but it's still nice to do so.

She offered me a summer internship with the business. I really can't believe it. This is like a dream.

I never imagined my day to go so well. Meeting Dorothy completely makes up for the fact that I completely failed my calculus test today.


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