Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dear Japan, we're here for you.

8.9 earthquake in Japan today. As I was standing listening to the national anthem this morning, I couldn't help but think about what if it were me in that situation. What if there was an earthquake. What would I do? How would I react? It was really hard to grasp the fact that in that situation, I would lose a lot of things that mean a lot to me. Would my family be okay? Would my memories be washed away? I wouldn't have a normal day anymore. School, work, pursuing my passions, all gone.

I set a new goal for myself to be more giving. To try and put others first. And I want to help out. But I'm not too sure how. But I'm definitely going to try and get another volunteer job this summer, maybe packing supplies with the Red Cross, or even just helping out locally.

Cause the thing that really moved me the most today standing there during the national anthem was the fact that I've been given so much in my life. And even through the tough times, and times when I wanted things to end, I've been very fortunate. It's a shame that I'm only truly seeing this now, but I have been given so much and now it's time to pass it on.

I don't want to save the world and fix every problem. I just want to make this crazy journey through life a little easier for someone else.


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