Thursday, April 14, 2011

Social Interactions

In our day and age, social interaction has increased exponentially.  First we had the telegram to message people distances away, then the phone to talk to them...and then BOOM!  Facebook, Twitter, Skype, MSN, Youtube, Blogger.  Connecting with people is fast, easy, and constantly happening.  But the quality of these relationships have suffered.

I've spent the past few days locked away in my room trying to salvage my grades in school.  Sure I've talked to be people online, but talking to them through technology and talking to people face to face are actually have a world of difference.

So I guess twenty-first century technology can't really beat the good ol' traditional brunch chat.

But I still love technology.  I've received some really nice comments on Blogger (thanks Sam!) and Youtube.

Times are changing.

"Oh these times are hard, yeah they're making us crazy, don't give up on me baby" - The Script, For the First Time

1 comment:

You rock for commenting. =)