Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i've figured it out!

So I was writing a Business Management test today and halfway through, I realized why you have to show up to class.

I mean, the test was based on content from the textbook, and I can easily memorize the textbook in the comfort of my bedroom during those 1.5 hours that I'm expected to go to class. So, if I can learn on my own, what's the need of going to class?

It's to get an understanding of who the teacher is so that you can predict the answers on the test without even studying so hard, or to get in the teacher's good books so they'll mark you better.

Bonus marks if you write in the same style they do, speak in the same style they do. If you can regurgitate what they said, EVEN BETTER!

That's really all there is to it. My test was a little biased, it was multiple choice but some answers were opinionated. But I knew how to answer most of them because I showed up to class and paid attention, not to the material, but to the teacher.

Breakthrough during a test. Let's hope I passed and this isn't a premature statement.

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