Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Health and Wellness Blog #1

Last summer, I started a "reinvention" plan to try and get over a boy and be that person that I wanted to be.  I guess I never really got over that boy, but it did change my work ethic and outlook on life.  So this summer, I'm trying something new.

They say a healthy mind and body makes for good work and when you're a positive person, that overflows onto others.  My hope is that the good habits I build this summer will last me for a long while, because as scary as it may be to think about it, life is moving FAST and I need to keep up with it.  "If you're not busy being born, you're busy dying" (Thank you Bob Dylan and It's Kind of a Funny Story).

My goal this summer is to:

1) Stay active.
I used to play sports in school and was able to be sprinting and playing on the field for half an hour straight, no breaks, no water.  Now THAT's fit.  Having a healthy body means that I can sit for more hours at work without getting fidgety.  It also means that I'll have more energy to get through three hour lectures at university in the fall.

2) Eat right.
Okay, so the occasional cheeseburger from McDonald's and ice cream sandwich with friends will be my exception (a girl's gotta indulge sometimes, right?  We only have one life to eat all these things).  But eating right also means taking the time to make a legitimate meal in the morning instead of microwaving a PizzaPop.  That also means (sigh) no more midnight snack fests.

3) Sleep well.
I'm a night owl.  I like to go to bed at 3AM and wake up at 11AM.  As much fun as it is to sit up late and chat with all my friends, sleeping well can help increase energy levels during the day (so that I don't have to be a caffeine addict all the time) and lower blood pressure (which I'm pretty sure is quite high for me, all things considered).  So bedtime at 1AM, wake up at 8:30AM?  Sounds reasonable.

4) Work hard.
Just because it's summer doesn't mean that I should fall into a summer coma and wake up in September feeling like I did nothing.  This summer, I want to work hard on my films, I want to excel at my jobs, I want to finally work on the not-for-profit projects I've had in mind for the past while.  I also want to get a head start on my courses next year (can you tell I'm nervous?).  Technically, these are things I enjoy doing (except for reviewing for statistics in business management) so is it really "working hard"?  More like being productive.

5) LIVE.
It's a broad concept but I feel it most important.  This year, I started living my life (meaning being more social, going out more instead of making excuses to be alone) and even though my school work wasn't top notch like it used to be, I enjoyed this year more than the others.  Why?  Because when I'm laying in my death bed, I probably won't be upset about failing the calculus exam but I would be there thinking about the great memories, people, and experiences of my lifetime.  So this summer, I'm not make any more excuses to hide away.  I'm going to put 100% into life because it's worth it, I swear.

So I guess that's my plan for this summer (mind you, this was my first legitimate week off from school and just got back from a nice jog so my endorphins are kind of going crazy but I think it'll stick).

Happy Summer!

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