Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hey Anon, here's your answer.

They say to never let your past haunt you and keep you from doing things in the present.  But I guess that's easier said than done.

I've been hurt in the past and I've lost my best friend in the past over this thing called "love".  And that taught me to be more guarded.  That taught me that over time, I'll get over it.

So when it happened again, the falling in love with your best friend thing, I decided to 1) ignore it, and when that didn't work, I'd 2) deal with it.

The first one obviously didn't work, so I opted for the second one.

To be completely honest, I don't think I'll ever tell him how I feel.  I can't risk losing another friend.  I can't risk losing him in particular.  And one day, I'll get over these feelings, like I did before.  But this time, I'll still have him in my life at the end of it all.

Besides, he's in love with someone else.

But she loves somebody else.

And he tells me that I have no clue how much he's hurting.  How much it hurts to listen to the person you have feelings for fall for someone else.


Hey Anon, here's your answer.  Still curious about your identity, but that's what I get for posting on the internet, right?


  1. aww, this post was really touching :$
    and I know how you feel D:

    oh and I think I know who this other girl is :P haha
    but I think you're way better than her (no offence to her)

    btw, I feel so special ;) haha a post just for my question LOL

    1. Okay, this is really puzzling, but none of the pieces fit.
      My curiosity is killing me! haha
      We obviously know each other on a greater level than through the internet. Email me, or FB me, or something, please? :)

  2. Life is too short to live with regrets. It is better living with the relief of an answer than living in the dark.


You rock for commenting. =)