Monday, January 30, 2012


Today, I saw my father cry.  This is the man who is always strong.  This is the man who was calm after injuring himself doing home renovations.

Today, I also saw my mother cry.  This is the woman who never cries.  This is the woman who's rational mind keeps the family going.

Today, I saw my sister cry.  This is the girl who puts up a fight and never accepts defeat.

Today, I saw my family show love.  We never show love.  We don't do the whole hugging thing.  We don't touch.  We don't talk about what we're feeling.

Today, I learned that we, as human beings, are not so different at all.  We all go through a loss.  We all go through pain.  We all have insecurities and skeletons we don't show each other.  And sometimes, those things we hide deep in the corners of our minds, they come out.  We don't mean for those things to happen.  Sometimes, they just do.

Today, I've also learned that life is precious.  The little moments, they're precious too.  The big stuff, well yes, they're precious too.  The people around you, they're priceless.  I learned that I need to appreciate everything that's in my life right now.  Pretty soon, they might not be there.

Today, I completely understood why they say that love makes the world go round.

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