Sunday, November 27, 2011

Good Life

The best part about last night was sitting there surrounded by people that I hold so closely to my heart singing this song at the top of our lungs and feeling an overwhelming happiness.  It was beautiful and I felt so lucky to have gotten to experience that moment.  I will forever keep it in the deepest corner of my mind so that it can never be forgotten or lost.

When I was twelve, I decided that when I was eighteen, one of two things would happen. I'd either 1) be all better and recover from the misery I was feeling, or 2) run away and get away from the misery I was feeling.  About two weeks ago, I cried because I didn't think either of those was going to happen.

Yesterday I turned eighteen.

Dear twelve-year-old me, don't worry. It all works out in the end.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Clarity, Peace, Serenity

Nothing like a weekend away to give you perspective on what's really going on.
Last weekend, I learned who I was and who I wanted to be.
I learned my purpose and my motivation.
I gained a new found appreciation for my friends, the opportunities I've been given, and my family.
Life's far from perfect, but that's okay.
This weekend I found an inner peace and tranquility that I've never felt before.
And all I had to do was get away.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Studying Now in Session

I first wanted to take a typical teenager webcam photo.  And then I got excited when I realized I was supposed to take four different photos to fill the frames, not just one.  So I decided to make a funny face, as webcam photos should be.  And finished off laughing at my stupidity.

This is what studying looks like...

Loser? Yes. Sleepy? Yes. Learning about management? Getting there.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The view from my window is gorgeous.  Overlooking the air traffic path and facing sun set.  The moon comes into view at 2AM.  I get these moments where I just stop for a moment and stare outside.  To see how beautiful things can really be.  To reflect on how lucky I actually am.  Peace in my sanctuary.  The view from my four walls.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Now Playing: You Do, You Don't

This song has been on repeat for the past few days.  In a way, I feel completely connected to it but I'm still trying to put my finger on the exact reason that this song is making me feel so strongly about it.  It feels like it's more than the beautiful piano or voice or words that's causing my reaction.  Nevertheless, at the end of the day, it's still a good song.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"the world is calling out" - Simple Plan, When I'm Gone
DIY bracelet I'm wearing right now.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Sunset

I walked home during sunset today.  It's was incredibly beautiful.  It's the kind of evening haze that feels surreal.  Like the sky was painted by a very talented person and inserted into my line of sight.  It's incredible how purple and orange and pink and perfect the sky can be.  The best part is when the silhouette of an airplane flies into the sunset.  Or when the birds dance around above.  The rush of headlights and taillights passed me by, almost blinding with the harsh lights on the streets when it wasn't fully dark yet.  Intrusive yet pretty.  The cool wind was hitting my face and pushed my hair back.  It was picturesque without the picture part.  A movie without film.  My emotions were spilling everywhere.  Every scar, every bruise, every tear, every laugh, every moment of peace.  It mixed in me like the colours in the sky.  I wanted to capture this moment.  I wanted to bottle it up.  I wanted to freeze in a frame and keep it forever.  But the truth is, photographs and recordings and writing can't capture that moment enough.  It's one of those rare moments in life that we don't ever get back.  If I ever walked home like that again, it won't be the same and neither will I.